Made by gastronomes for gastronomes!

Accessible to anyone who wants to dip their toes into the world of food, UNISG +, our (we = the University of Gastronomic Sciences) brand-new online platform, was created by our community of gastronomes: alumni, professors and experts from all over the world.

Our Courses

Designed with ~ 3,5 hours of workload

A Food Network with Value

Become part of our strong, international community

Welcome to UNISG! Founded by Slow Food in 2004, we are the first university focussing exclusively on the world of food and the birthplace of a community unlike any other: we are gastronomes, passionate and curious about all things food, spread all over the world but always ready to get back together for a potluck dinner or fun food course like these ones! Join us now!

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    [email protected]

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    +39 0172 458511

  • Find Us!

    Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 9 Pollenzo, 12042, Bra (CN) Italy